2E Environment / Soil /
In the field of hydrogeology, we offer selected training equipment which will help you to teach the basic hydrogeological processes in soils in a practical and clear manner. Issues such as seepage of precipitation, seepage flows and groundwater flows are studied.
HM 165
Studies in hydrology
Investigation of precipitation-discharge relationships, storage capacity of soils, seepage flows and groundwater flows.
HM 141
Hydrographs after precipitation
Correlations between precipitation and seepage; storage capacity and drainage methods.
HM 167
Groundwater flow
Three-dimensional investigations; demonstration of lowering of groundwater; investigation of excavation pits.
HM 169
Visualisation of seepage flows
Graphical determination of flow nets; investigation of water pressure on structures.
Soil treatment
The main objective of soil treatment is to protect the groundwater and – as far as possible – to restore the original function of the contaminated soil. A number of different methods are available depending on the type of soil and type of contamination.
CE 225
Separation of solids from liquids by using a centrifugal force.
CE 630
Solid-liquid extraction
Continuous and discontinuous extraction of the soluble components of a solid.
CE 630W
Web Access Software
Device-specific software required for the connection of CE 630 with the Web Access Box GU 100.