Thermal turbines
Thermal turbines work with compressible fluids: e.g. gas, wind and steam turbines.
HM 270
Impulse turbine
Investigation of a compressed air driven axial impulse turbine.
HM 272
Reaction turbine
Investigation of a compressed air driven radial reaction turbine.
ET 792
Gas turbine
Operation with power turbine or as jet engine with propelling nozzle using liquid gas.
ET 794
Gas turbine with power turbine
Two-shaft arrangement with high-pressure turbine and power turbine using liquid gas.
ET 796
Gas turbine jet engine
Small single-shaft gas turbine with thrust measurement using either kerosene or petroleum.
ET 851
Axial steam turbine
Single-stage steam turbine with power output measurement; steam supply via ET 850, gas-fired or ET 852, electrical.
ET 830
Steam power plant, 1,5kW
Oil-fired boiler, single-stage small industry turbine, condenser and feed water treatment and monitoring via PLC.
ET 833
Steam power plant 1,5kW with process control system
Steam turbine system like ET 830, with additional monitoring and control via control station with touch screen panel.
ET 805
Steam power plant 20kW with process control system
Steam turbine with synchronous generator for grid-connected or stand-alone operation. Fully equipped with oil-fired or gas-fired boiler, condenser, cooling tower, feed water treatment and modern synchronisation device (PPU).
ET 220
Energy conversion in a wind power plant
Conversion of kinetic wind energy into electrical energy.
ET 270
Wave energy converter, OWC
Turbine unit with Wells turbine and electric generator; configurable wave generator.