Steam power plants
Steam power plants play a key role in electric power generation. Therefore the Rankine steam power cycle is one of the most important cyclic processes used in industry.
ET 810
Steam power plant with steam engine
Single-cylinder piston steam engine with gas-fired boiler for steam generation.
ET 813
Two-cylinder steam engine
Single-acting steam engine with condensation for determining mechanical power and efficiency.
ET 850
Steam generator
Laboratory scale gas-fired steam generator for wet or superheated steam; integrated condenser.
ET 851
Axial steam turbine
Single-stage steam turbine with power output measurement; steam supply via ET 850, gas-fired or ET 852, electrical.
ET 852
Steam generator, electrical
Laboratory scale electrical steam generator for superheated steam; integrated condenser; alternative to the gas-fired steam generator ET 850 for the supply of the steam turbine ET 851.
ET 830
Steam power plant, 1,5kW
Oil-fired boiler, single-stage small industry turbine, condenser and feed water treatment and monitoring via PLC.
ET 833
Steam power plant 1,5kW with process control system
Steam turbine system like ET 830, with additional monitoring and control via control station with touch screen panel.
ET 805
Steam power plant 20kW with process control system
Steam turbine with synchronous generator for grid-connected or stand-alone operation. Fully equipped with oil-fired or gas-fired boiler, condenser, cooling tower, feed water treatment and modern synchronisation device (PPU).
ET 805.50
Determination of the vapour content
Determination of the vapour content using a separating calorimeter with cyclone water separator or a throttling calorimeter with vapour depressurisation.
ET 860
Safety devices on steam boilers
Familiarisation with boiler safety devices such as pressure and water level monitors.