Positive displacement pumps
In positive displacement pumps the energy is transferred to the fluid hydrostatically. In the hydrostatic transfer of energy a displacement body reduces a working chamber filled with fluid and pumps the fluid into the pipe.

HM 285
Experiments with a piston pump
Record characteristics of a reciprocating positive displacement pump.

HM 286
Experiments with a gear pump
Record characteristics of a rotary positive displacement pump.

HM 365.16
Lobe pump
Lobe pumps are used for delivering highly viscous and highly abrasive media.

HM 365.17
Reciprocating piston pump
The most simple type of reciprocating piston pump consists of a piston that moves in a cylinder with one inlet and one outlet valve.

HM 365.18
Gear pump
A gear pump is characterised by a steady flow rate.

HM 365.19
Vane pump
Vane pumps can be used both for liquid and gaseous media.

HM 365.21
Screw pump
Screw pumps are able to provide continuous delivery of even viscous media without pulsation or turbulence.

HM 365.22
External gear pump
The pumping medium is transported between the gears and the housing.

HM 365.23
Vane pump
Vane pumps can be used both for liquid and gaseous media.

HM 365.24
Internal gear pump
Operating behaviour of an internal gear pump.

HM 362
Comparison of pumps
Investigate operating behaviour of centrifugal pumps, piston pump and side channel pump.

HM 299
Comparison of positive displacement machines and turbomachines
Interchangeable driven machines: three pump types, two compressor types.

CE 271
Multi-head diaphragm pump
Metering pump with three pump heads.

CE 272
Rotary vane vacuum pump
Generation of negative pressure over time.

CE 271
Multi-head diaphragm pump
Metering pump with three pump heads.

CE 272
Rotary vane vacuum pump
Generation of negative pressure over time.

MT 182
Assembly & maintenance exercise: screw pump
Understanding design and function of the pump; planning and executing assembly, disassembly and maintenance.

MT 183
Assembly & maintenance exercise: diaphragm pump
Understanding design and function of the pump; planning and executing assembly, disassembly and maintenance.

MT 184
Assembly & maintenance exercise: piston pump
Understanding design and function of the pump; planning and executing assembly, disassembly and maintenance.

MT 186
Assembly & maintenance exercise: gear pump
Understanding design and function of the pump; planning and executing assembly, disassembly and maintenance.

MT 136
Assembly exercise: gear pump
Design and function of a gear pump; planning, assembly and disassembly.