Principles of heating
The physical fundamentals of heating engineering are indispensable for the understanding of heating systems.

HL 101
Thermal expansion training panel
Investigation of thermal expansion of different pipe sections (PVC, PE, Cu, steel).

HL 104
Temperature measurement training panel
Investigation of four different temperature measuring methods.

HL 102
Installation technology: losses in different pipes
Investigation of the pressure difference in four equal-length pipe sections made of different materials.

HL 113
Installation technology: losses in valves and fittings
Investigation of the pressure loss of standard valves and fittings.

HL 103
Installation technology: losses in pipe bends
Investigation of the pressure loss at pipe elements with different changes in pipe direction and materials.

HL 111
Installation technology: losses in straight pipes
Determining the pressure loss in an open pipe section.

HL 210
Installation technology: losses in a pipe system
Investigation of pressure losses at contractions, pipe angles, pipe bends, valves and fittings and pipe elements.

HL 105
Three-way mixing valve training panel
Determining the pressure loss in an open pipe section.

HL 106
Four-way mixing valve training panel
Effect of mixing ratio on feed flow and circulating flow temperature.

HL 107
Circulating pumps training panel
Series and parallel operation of two pumps.

HL 112
Radiator training panel
Familiarisation with a hot water heating system.

HL 108
Domestic heating circuit training panel
Model of a central heating system with radiators, circulating pump and four-way mixing valve.

HL 110
Expansion vessel training panel
Displacement volume of an expansion vessel as a function of the pressure.

HL 109
Safety devices training panel
Series and parallel operation of two pumps.