Energy efficiency in building services engineering
GUNT- RHLine (renewable heat): structural and technical techniques for resource conservation.
HL 320.01
Heat pump
Heat pump for operation with different sources.
Hl 320.02
Conventional heating
Electric complementary heater for the HL 320 modular system.
HL 320.03
Flat collector
Function and operating behaviour of a hot water heating system with digital heating controller.
HL 320.04
Evacuated tube collector
Conversion of solar energy into heat in the evacuated tube collector.
HL 320.05
Central storage module with controller
Module with buffer storage and bivalent storage for heating systems with renewable energies.
HL 320.07
Underfloor heating / geothermal energy absorber
Can be used as heat sink or heat source.
HL 320.08
Fan heater / air heat exchanger
Can be used as heat sink or heat source.